• Gearing up for Summer

    Image Credit: Ben Andrew, RSPB Images

    The first week of the summer holidays is already drawing to a close…time flies when you're having fun! And lots of people have been having fun at Saltholme this week. There has- as always- been plenty to see and do here, and we intend to tell you all about it!

    News from the Estate:

    It’s been a busy week for our estates team (well, it’s never NOT a busy week). Here’s what…

  • Did you know it's been hot this week?

    Image Credit: Leslie Cater, RSPB Images

    After this week’s weather, it’s safe to say our rare birds are now more medium to well done. But we made it through, and we still have a lot to talk about! Read on to find out more.

    News from the Estate:

    We created a series of ponds along the path to our Saltholme Pools hide to encourage a range of dragonfly and damselfly species to breed on our reserve. Image Credit…

  • Birds Everywhere

    Image Credit: National Audubon Society

    Buckle up…there’s a lot to talk about this week and we intend to mention as much of it as we can. There have been unusual visitors to the reserve (birds, not paying guests), conservation tasks to complete and events to organise; read on to find out more!

    News from the Estate:

    On top of counting nests, monitoring breeding populations and mapping species distributions…

  • A Fair and Feathered Week at Saltholme

    Image Credit: Lockhart Horsburgh

    After a week off, the blog is back with a vengeance. Read on for updates on what has been seen at Saltholme this week, alongside events and conservation work…

    News from the Estate:

    It’s important to have a range of plant species present in wildflower meadows, to support as many insects and other animals as possible. Some species, such as thistles, can dominate these areas if left…

  • What to do if you find a Baby Bird

    Image Credit: Ben Andrew

    It’s the time of year when young birds are beginning to leave their nests. These birds are called fledgelings. It’s one of the highlights of the year, and it’s only right that people enjoy these birds as they get used to the big wide world. Whilst it is important to look out for nature, intervening too soon or too much can have severe consequences for these fledgelings. So, we have put together…

  • Life is never boring at Saltholme

    Image Credit: Ben Andrew, RSPB Images

    This is getting to be quite a habit now…it’s been yet another week of new sightings, new chicks, and new works done on the reserve. Read on to find out more!

    News from the Estate:

    You may have noticed that the plants are enjoying this warm weather (and the rain that comes as part of British summertime); there has been a lot of vegetation growth over the past week. It…

  • Birds, Bugs and Bracken

    A nature reserve is always a busy place, in terms of both wildlife, visitors and events. Saltholme is no exception, and this week definitely proves it! Read on to catch up on the latest news from the site…

    News from the Estate:

    Bracken can spread quickly if left unchecked. While an important habitat in itself, it’s important to keep it controlled so it doesn’t shade out wildflower species. Image Credit: Sara Porter…

  • May Half-Term at Saltholme

    Title Image: Avocet chick at the Saltholme Pools hide. Image Credit: Mark Stokeld. 

    Buckle up…it’s been a busy week at Saltholme and we want to tell you everything that has been going on. We’ve got events, baby birds, and rare sightings to describe. So, keep reading!

    News from the Estate:

    Sunshine interspersed with rain leads to one thing… massive amounts of plant growth. So, the estates team have been…

  • Just another week of incredible sightings...

    Another week of sun, punctuated by truly spectacular downpours. But that hasn’t dampened our spirits. Why? Well, there has been a lot to see and do on the reserve this week. Read on to find out more!

    News from the Estate:

    You’ve probably gathered by now that Saltholme would not run without our estates team. You could be forgiven for thinking this simply refers to the fact that they keep our land in a condition that…

  • Birds and Butterflies

    Image Credit: Lockhart Horsburgh

    It’s been an all-hands-on-deck sort of week at Saltholme; we’ve had lots of birds to count, events to plan, conservation jobs to complete and visitors to impress! Oh, and we’ve had some rare sightings just to add that little bit extra excitement to the week. Read on to find out more!

    News from the Estate:

    This is a very busy time of the year for the Estates team, with…

  • Walks and Wildlife

    Image Credit: Edward Makin, RSPB Images

    Saltholme has been filled with the sounds of returning summer this week, with the screams of black-headed gulls now mingling with the calls of common tern. The warblers give them a run for their money, with a range of species shouting from the reeds and bushes. It’s a busy time for our staff and volunteers too, making sure the reserve is optimal for wildlife and visitors alike.…

  • Thinking up a Title is the Hardest Part of this Blog...

    Image Credit: Ben Andrew, RSPB Images

    It’s been a week of sunshine, punctuated by short but very dramatic rain. This means two things: firstly our ponds are now fuller than they were at the beginning of the week, secondly conditions have been very good for standing outside and watching all the wildlife that is sprouting all over Saltholme. Read on to discover what has been happening on our site this week.

    News from…

  • Saltholme's 'Shedding' Season

    With the end of the Easter holidays, you could be forgiven for thinking that life at Saltholme has slowed down this week. However, birds have had nests to build (and some even have eggs to look after), food to eat and visitors to impress. Our team has been working hard to look after the site that these birds rely on, and to ensure everyone has the opportunity to enjoy the reserve. Read on to find out more!

    News from the…

  • Spring is well and truly here!

    Image Credit: RSPB Images

    Wow…another week gone! They definitely don’t make them like they used to. But oh well, at least there has been lots to see and do at Saltholme to distract you from the relentless march of time…

    News from the Estate:

    Another busy week for the estates team, with fences to repair around the reserve. Whilst it may not seem the most ‘conservation-y’ job, repairing fences is important…

  • Saltholme is the place to be!

    Image Credit: Ben Andrew, RSPB Images

    The first week of the Easter holidays is nearly over, and the Easter weekend is upon us. And with the bank holidays promising to be very un-bank-holiday-ish in terms of how dry and sunny they will be, Saltholme has proved a popular location for families and birdwatchers alike. It is also the place to be if you're a bird returning from your winter haunts! Read on to discover what has…

  • Wild Saltholme- Frequently Asked Questions

    Image Credit: Lockhart Horsburgh

    On New Year’s Day, we announced that some land was coming back to us, after being used for some years as grazing land and arable fields. This land will be known as ‘Wild Saltholme’, as we plan to let nature direct the future development of this area. We aim to keep everyone informed as to what that means and entails.

    So, we have put together a series of Frequently Asked…

  • Plant Appreciation Day: Why are Plants so Important?

    Plants are crucial for the wellbeing of the planet and everything living in it. They are an integral part of the habitats in which we live. So integral in fact, that they often go unnoticed. Today, we are putting the spotlight on plants by highlighting just some of the many ways in which they are crucial. Read on to find out more!


    Plants are sources of food for important pollinators, such as Bumblebee…

  • Schools at Saltholme- bringing learning to life!

    One of the things we have missed at Saltholme over Covid is the sound of school visits- the voices of children as we help them discover our wonderful reserve and the huge variety of wildlife that lives here. Since our last pre-Covid visit on 16 March 2020, we have been eagerly awaiting the return of schools. Since October 2021, we have welcomed over 500 children and young people back to our reserve (as part of our Schools…

  • Another busy week at Saltholme

    Image Credit: Ben Andrew, RSPB Images

    Things are ramping up for Easter at Saltholme, with birds pairing up and lots of events planned for the Easter break. Read all about what has been going on this week.

    News from the Estate:

    The estates team have been fencing this week, by which we mean they have been repairing the fence that borders our Wilderness Trail. But that isn’t all; you may have noticed the willow barrier forming…

  • There's SNOW place like Saltholme!

    Hello again! Another month has passed and Saltholme is definitely changing shift; the summer migrants are beginning to settle in, and our winter visitors are moving back to colder climes. This seems strange, considering the world has spent the last couple of days snowing on us. Oh well....


    As of 1 April (today), entry fees at Saltholme will be changing. Entry to the visitor centre…

  • Sunny Saltholme

    Image Credit: Geoff Harrison

    It’s been a wonderful week at Saltholme; the sun has shone down on us, there is now more than a hint of green in the trees, and the wildlife is out and about making the most of it! Read on to discover what has been happening over the past seven days.

    News from the Estate:

    Now that spring has definitely sprung, we want to make sure our reserve is looking its best. So, the estates team…

  • Signs of Spring...

    Image Credit: Tim Robinson

    We always seem to start this blog by talking about the weather. So this week, we’ll start off by saying that we've seen a lot of amazing species ! Yes, that might be because of the weather and the fact that everything is getting ready for spring. No, we won't tell you what those species are until further through the blog. But we tried. Read on to find out more!

    Also, we'd like…

  • Roads and Ruffs

    British Science Week Blog Post 11/03/2022

    Image Credit: Ben Andrew, RSPB Images

    It’s British Science Week! From 11 to 20 March, people around the UK will be celebrating scientific subjects and all the benefits and opportunities they provide. Of course, as a nature reserve, conservation science is an essential part of our work. We want to tell you a bit more about our species monitoring programmes- what they are, how they…

  • Binoculars and Birds

    Image Credit: Tim Robinson

    It’s March! The sun shone both literally and metaphorically on the reserve this week (although the metaphorical aspect did, in fairness, last longer), with a wide range of species seen in and around our site. The start of a new month means there are now 20 days until spring officially arrives, and so we have also been busy preparing the estate for the return of some of our more fair weather…

  • Half-Term Fun

    Image Credit: Lockhart Horsburgh

    Another blustery week, but the sun has shone more consistently and the schools have been off. So, things are looking up! Here is our weekly reserve round-up.

    News from the Estate:

    Fortunately, there was no damage from either of the two storms experienced last week. So, the estates team could focus on preparing the reserve for spring. You may think it is a little early to be thinking about…