Hi everyone,

How are you this morning?


I thought I would let you know some of the highlights from yesterday -

We had great views of little gull from the Tern hide.

 Little gulls are a small, dainty gull. Adults in summer have black heads, while young birds have a black mark on each wing which forms a 'W' pattern. In flight adults show a pale grey upperwing, with no black wingtips, and a very dark grey underwing.

 Lovely little birds!





We also had great views of the male and female kingfisher courting. The male has found a nice place to perch to fish from - he sits on the cctv camera (that is beaming live pictures back to the visitor centre)... I'm sure he's saying "ner ner ner you can't see me!"


Great picture by Keith Bedford




We had lovely views of redshank, green sandpiper, lapwing, lots of singing chiffchaff, buzzard, as well as all the usuals. We've had a few butterflies around including: brimstone, comma, peacock, and small white.


There are some nice flowers out at the moment as well - keep an eye out for celandine, and coltsfoot.
The coltsfoot is a really nice little flower - a bit like a daisy - they are quite interesting as the flowers appear first, and once they have died off then the leaves appear!


Lovely picture by Keith Bedford