Today we saw our first hobby's of the year! Woohoo! We saw  three flying over and around the vistor centre and over the wet meadow.

Four swifts were also seen flying over!

Its definately spring!


You know I was talking about the kestrels last time... well it turns out that one of the pairs is nesting in the box in the car park! We thought that they are using it to roost - but they're nesting! Its great - as I sit here typing this blog I can look out of the window and see the female popping her head out of the box! I went and took a picture:

By our calculations (when I say our I actually mean our very clever Assistant Site Manager's calculations, I had nothing to do with it!) she started incubating on Tuesday 20 April, meaning the eggs should hatch around the middle of May and the chicks should fledge about the middle of June. 

Ooh... I can hear the kestrel's calling - the male has just come along and given her some food! The male dropped off something (I couldn't see what) and he went into the box and she came out and is eating sitting on the pylon! The pair have mated again as well.

Next time you come down keep your eyes and ears open!