Sightings over the past few weeks have included Stonechat and Whinchat out on the meadow.

From Draper there have been sightings of  Jack Snipe, Snipe, Green Sandpiper and Wigeon.

Photo: Snipe by Keith Bedford

Waterfowl numbers have been building up nicely with 120 Teal seen and good numbers of Gadwall and Shoveller.

Photo: Gadwall by Keith Bedford

Visitors have has nice views of Goldcrests on the trail up to Draper and Juv Peregrine has been sighted too. Migrant Hawker Dragonflies have also been seen.

Most recently (14th Oct) we had a Cattle Egret seen briefly with the cows on the meadow along with a Raven and female Marsh Harrier. We are now awaiting the arrival of the winter thrushes.

Please let us know what you spot around the reserve by tagging us in your sightings on @RSPBRyeMeads on Twitter or message us on Facebook at @RyeMeadsRSPB.