
Despite this afternoons change in  the weather  it has been a good day.

As we now have islands and shallow areas from the tern hide i took the oppertunity to put some water on to the draper to wet up the scrape there as the water level has been low all summer and it has got quite dry.  This seemed to have proved popular with the locals and visitors alike as we had a Greenshank joining our local green sandpipers which started at 5 and went up to at least 8.  While watching the green shank there were 2 clouded yellow butterflies around the mint, which is great to see. 


As i was passing the lagoons this morning there were 3 swift and 6 other hirundines (should of had my binoculars with me!) circling over the water.  The water voles have once again munched through 4 apples offering great views to visitors so i have topped it up again! We are getting through a lot of apples.  We have also recieved a report of a white admiral butterfly at the warbler hide!  Would be a bit of a turn up in the books for us although they are not too far away in boroxbourne woods, so if you are in the vicinity keep your eyes peeled and your camera handy.

