Hi everyone,
How are you?
Yesterday I posted some pictures of baby shrews! Weren't they adorable? If you haven't seen the pictures look here.
It was a great spot by a visitor to the reserve - up by the gate that's just past the Draper hide, there is a compost heap. Well one of our visitors noticed movement, and on closer inspection he saw it was tiny baby shrews running about! So keep your eyes pealed you never know where you'll see wildlife!
Talking about shrews, one if our volunteers Tom (who is also a talented young photographer) spotted the fox with a shrew (not one of the babies previously mentioned, it was in a completely different area of the reserve) the other day!The fox was stalking something and eventually caught it. The fox didn't eat the shrew - it spent at least 15 minutes playing with it! It would throw it, run and catch it, and throw it again! Tom managed to get a couple of pictures - check this out:
Stunning shot by Tom Mason.
Look closely - can you see in the top right something in the air? Well this is a shrew that the fox has just thrown!
Isn't that amazing!
Turns out the shrew got away in the end, but for the whole story and a couple more pictures check out Tom's blog!