Rye Meads Ringing Group - Nestbox watch
An update on our ringing event on Saturday 14 May.. this has now been moved to the new date of Saturday 21 May to accommodate for the majority of birds being old enough to ring on the day. Many apologies for any inconvenience and we hope to see many of you there. The time remains the same, 1 - 3 pm.
Photographic workshop - Saturday 30 April
1 space remaining on this all day workshop on Saturday with professional photographer Tom Mason. Call 01992 708381 or email debs.allbrook@rspb.org.uk if you'd like the place.
International Dawn Chorus Day - Sunday 1 May
Spaces still remain to join us for our International Dawn Chorus day walk, plus continental breakfast! If you don't mind getting up early and would love to hear the sound of birdsong taking over the reserve as the sun comes up, this is for you!
Rye Meads Big Litter Pick - Saturday 7 May
We need your help! Come and help us clean up the local area and prevent our litter damaging wildlife. All day, all hands on deck!