Good morning everyone!
It's 7.50 am, but I've been here since 4.30 am because we've had a very special walk today - the Dawn Chorus!
It's International Dawn Chorus Day - so we ran a walk to try and hear this miracle of nature, and identify the different calls.
Well, I thought I would let you know all that we heard and saw...
Heard singing:Robin, blackbird, great tit, blue tit, dunnock, chaffinch, wren, blackcap, chiffchaff, sedge warbler, reed warbler, grasshopper warbler, garden warbler, cettis warbler, white throat, lesser white throat, reed bunting, cuckoo, black headed gull, common tern, Canada goose, wood pigeon, pheasant, and a shrew (probably common, but i'm not too sure!).
Seen:Gadwall, mallard, tufted duck, pochard, coot, moorhen, little grebe, black headed gull, lesser black backed gull, common tern, mute swan, Canada goose, grey heron, little egret, cormorant, crow, starling, blackcap, long tailed tit, great tit, blue tit, robin, wren, reed bunting, and swift.
40 species! That's pretty good!
My favorites were the grasshopper warbler and the garden warbler!
Keep your ears pealed as you walk round... there is a lot of wildlife on the reserve that you won't necessarily see from hides.