Hi everyone,
The other day I told you about the escaped buffalo...
Thought I would give you a quick update!
So the other day we had to close the reserve as the buffalo escaped...They had a great time exploring the reserve....
Can I come in?
(Buffalo pictures by me)
So, since then all of the buffalo and Konic ponies have been taken off of the meadow. After all the rain we had the water level was really high in the Herts and Middlesex Wildlife Trust meadow - hence the escape attempt. I say attempt... turns out the day before we had to close the reserve they escaped three times!
At the moment they have been temporarily re-homed until the water level has gone down a bit, but they will be back soon!
We had a lovely visit today and saw the kingfisher at the Gadwall Hide as well as an adult bringing in fish to the babies at the Kingfisher Hide. Forgot to check the kestrel bpx though! I did wonder where the buffalo were so your update is appreciated. I hope to see them back soon.