It seems like most of our blogs this winter have been about storms! Its been one of those winters I suppose. Well here's another one!
The 9th named storm of the season came crashing in during the early hours. No damage to the buildings so we hunkered down and got on with some computer work in the safety of the house. 75mph logged at Milford, 90+ on the Cleddau Bridge.
I ventured out later in the day and managed a few photos before the camera became too soggy! The spray from waves breaking at Aber Mawr was being carried across the whole island and reached the farm! Its no wonder everything goes rusty out here! Heather along the south coast has been scorched black in places.
we took the boat out of the water a few days ago....
.....but began to question if it was even safe on the harbour wall!
The following are all of Dillyn Bay on the south coast of Ramsey - a confused mass of currents at the best of times
In the summer boats drive through that gap being filled by the breaking wave!
Salty dog