After the glorious weather of April things have taken a step back! A cold northerly airstream has established itself over the UK and the temperatures have taken a real knock. North or north east is the worst direction for boats as our harbour faces in that direction so we have lost a few days of landings as a result.

The number of migrant birds has dried up as a result of the wind direction but the residents are well into thier breeding cycle. Choughs are still incubating and the earliest nest builders should have chicks to feed any day now. We saw the first guillemot egg on May 4th and kittiwakes were busy nest building yesterday. They are a bit like the house martins of the seabird world and cement an intricate nest of wet mud and grass to the cliff face.

We have 9 ewes left in the lambing fields (although not all are pregnant) and just when we thought the fun and games were over Lisa and I had to pull a lamb yesterday that was stuck with one leg out and one back. I am pleased to say that both ewe and lamb are doing well this morning.