Bank Holiday Monday was probably not the day we would have ordinarily picked to move sheep off Ramsey but our plans to move them late on Sunday evening were curtailed by a stiff northerly blowing straight into the harbour and Ramsey Sound looking less than inviting with wind against tide on the flood! So we had little choice but to delay to Monday morning. The sheep were sorted and waiting and the ram lambs were starting to get frisky!

The high tide was at 10:20 so there was enough water to get the boat in position at about 08:00. We ran 63 Welsh mountain ewes and lambs to the harbour, sent them down our purpose built 'Sheep Chute 5000'  and ferried them over in 3 loads to St Justinians. The whole event took less than 2 hours. The flock was made up of this year's ram lambs going to Derek's to fatten and a selection of older ewes being replaced by this years ewe lambs. The winters can be tough on Ramsey so it is better to have young stock out here with a full set of teeth to cope with the sparse grazing during these months.

All went very smoothly and once all 3 loads were landed and back together we ran them up the steps at St Justinians and into Derek's field about half a mile up the road. Thanks to the many surprised early morning boat passengers who helped by giving us plenty of space and patiently waiting in their cars while we ran the flock past them!

Below is selection of photos capturing the morning's events (all photos by Lynne Chalwin)


Ewes and lambs sorted on Ramsey and waiting for the off

Amber the Lab gets some sheepdog tips off Dewi

Dewi and Sweep run the ewes and lambs down to the harbour

All penned with the sheep chute in place

Just a few hours before we started this grey seal pup was born on the harbour beach so had a grandstand view of events!

boat, sheep chute and workers in place

One at a time please.......

Dewi and Sweep count them in

Derek, GM and Jack taking the first load over

No photos of the action on the mainland side but there were so many boat passengers taking photos there must be some around!

(no sheep, boats or friendships were harmed in the process......)