Over the recent weeks you would not been blamed to think you were in the Mediterranean particular if you are luckily enough to have seen our range of species arriving on the reserve. The start of this was a beautiful Bee-eater which was initially reported from Church Norton  and was seen again yesterday nr Ham. a few days after the discovery of the bee-eater a Golden Oriole was heard also at Church Norton.

Then early on the 3rd June a Black-Winged Stilt was reported from the ferry pool.

Distance views of the Black-Winged Stilt on the Ferry Pool 3rd June 2018

However this is not the first time this species has graced the reserve recently. 2014 over at our Medmerry reserve a pair breed and successfully raised 3 young only the third time in the UK. this species has continued to arrive in the UK and is a pleasant addition to any visitors list on a day visit to Pagham

One of the birds that visited us in 2014


The Warden, RSPB Crook of Baldoon