Once again, the autumn changes in to the winter with a distinct character alteration in the harbour. Gone are the excited voices of the warblers and songbirds, to be replaced by the squabbling notes of geese and ducks. The harbour is now filling up again and the air is alive with the toing and froing of the waders as the tide ebbs and rises. Dunlin, Knot, Grey Plover and the occasion Sanderling are regularly seen wheeling around looking for food or high tide roosts.



Out on the fields the brent geese are gathering escaping the cold weather in Russia, as they settle down for a barmy winter!! In the UK. They are joined by scores of ducks, Wigeon, Teal and Pintail are all present in and around the harbour in the chilling months of the UK winter. Along with the duck and geese on the fields, waders will be probing the soft muds and soils with Black-Tailed Godwits and curlew being the most prominent, whilst closer inspection of pool edges main revealing some snipe or a Jack Snipe bobbing away, as was discovered in Ferry Pool at the end of November


Brent Geese

Out on the sea, the winter storms are now battering the coastline, this will bring in a good selection of regular visitors, Common Scoter, Slavonian Grebe, Red Breasted Mergansers and a selection of Divers are now being observed particular off Church Norton. The severest gales have brought in both Grey Phalarope and little Gull in the last few weeks.

Grey Phalarope

As the winter draws in the invertebrate activity does decrease but a blast of warm air from Spain can bring the add surprise and the mid of November brought a good selection of migrant moths in including three white specks the first at the reserve for 10+ years.


White Speck  

Blair's Mocha

The Warden, RSPB Crook of Baldoon