Over the last few months one of our volunteers has been very busy helping us update and revise our nest-cam system. This included a new kestrel cam which we put up last month. Within days of it being put in position a pair of kestrels took a keen interest...

On Saturday 14 April the female laid her first egg. Since then she has been laying almost every other day and is currently sitting on 4 eggs.

Kestrels typically lay 4 – 6 eggs depending how good the food supply is. Will she stop at 4? Or will she lay more?

Meanwhile, a pair of blue tits have been busy furnishing another nest box and like the kestrel the female has started laying. Currently there are at least 2 eggs in the nest but unlike the kestrel, the blue tits will not start incubating their eggs until the whole clutch is laid which is normally between 8 and 10 eggs but can be as many as 16!

Can you spot the egg?

You can follow the progress of both families by popping into our Visitor Centre and watching them live on the screen.