Despite the recent storms, we’ve had some gorgeous days over the last couple of weeks and we took full advantage of them this week...

Last Sunday our friendly Guides were down at Church Norton introducing visitors, walkers and regulars to our wonderful wildlife out on the mudflats and saltmarsh. Armed with scopes, binoculars and a dash good-humoured banter they continue to inform and entertain. Their next outing will be on Medmerry reserve, Sunday 20 March, down by the Stilt Pools and they extend a warm welcome to one and all!

Tuesday morning was a beautiful crisp morning with frost sugar-coating everything it touched.

In morning sunlight a small flock of siskin chatted away as they had breakfast behind the Visitor Centre.

Then we got on with the serious work of making nest boxes as part of National Nest Box Week and bee B&B’s in preparation for spring. There was lots of hammering and sawing and everyone left with new homes for wildlife and amazingly all fingers intact!

Continuing our half-term activities, a band of budding ornithologists joined our Young Birders event on Thursday and were particularly impressed by the large numbers of lapwings on Ferry Field that took to the skies when a buzzard flew over. Actually I think everyone was impressed as there were over 400 lapwing!

And finally this morning, our Warden even managed to complete his Wildfowl and Waders Walk before the weather started to deteriorate.