It’s September and autumn migration is well underway on our reserves of Pagham Harbour and Medmerry. Already Common, Wood and Green Sandpipers have been seen passing through along with Wheatears, Common Redstarts, Whinchat, Pied and Spotted Flycatchers, Yellow Wagtails, plus of course, numerous warblers.

Spotted flycatcher Andy Hay (

Along with the sandpipers, other waders being seen include Greenshank, Ruff, and Spotted Redshank, while a Great White Egret has also been spotted at the Breech Pool.

Great White Egret - Ben Andrew (

As I write a Red-backed Shrike is causing a bit of excitement at The Several and two Ospreys have been reported from Medmerry along with a Merlin and Marsh Harrier. This period between September and October, is one of the best times to see Osprey. Stopping off here to feed before continuing their journey across the channel and on to Africa, they are best seen on an incoming tide when they catch mullet swimming up the channels in the mudflats.

Osprey - Chris Gomersall (