Good afternoon. It is time for an update so here is what has been going on at Ouse Fen recently.

There were at least seven booming male bitterns and the birds should start nesting very soon.

There are least six prospective marsh harrier nests. Interestingly, one of the marsh harriers that is currently present is a wing tagged individual. It has green wing tags with "6A"  in white letters on each tag. Here is some more information about this bird, courtesy of local bird ringer Simon Evans:

"It was tagged west of Norwich as a female chick last June. Seen locally throughout August to October. Last seen 7 Jan 2018 in Spain at Salcidos Marshes." It is interesting to hear where these birds get to!

Carrying on with the bird of prey theme, a red kite flew over on 8 May. There were at least 12 hobbys feeding over the reserve on a similar date which is a good count for the reserve.

Meanwhile, on Berry Fen, a singing corn bunting has been present recently which is nice to see. There are also currently some very cute lapwing chicks visible through binoculars from the footpath. Hopefully they will fledge in the near future!

We hope to see you soon!