Despite the Covid crisis, the project partners have continued to make good progress on the wetland restoration and to maintain essential reserve operations. 

Although most species survey and monitoring works was cancelled in line with Covid restrictions, from what we could gather in some early spring survey work our key breeding species, bittern, remained stable with 8 ‘booming’ males that continue to spread to the newest wetland cells.  We just about managed to follow our cranes return through lockdown but unfortunately, they didn’t fledge any young.

On 3rd August construction commenced on the Visitor Car Park and Access Improvements at the Lockspits Entrance off the B1050. This new entrance will provide improved visitor access to the heart of RSPB Ouse Fen. Early activities on site have included laying drainage and kerbing for the sealed access road and placing subbase and drainage for the 46 space carpark. This new entrance is due to be opened to visitors in Spring 2021 with a fresh scheme of trails, signage and a simple visitor welcome to this new entrance near Earith.