Great news - we've been nominated as ‘Britain’s Favourite Nature Reserve’ in the BBC’s Countryfile Magazine Awards 2013.

The nominated reserves were selected by nature writer Mark Cocker and Countryfile presenter Ellie Harrison. Ouse Fen is described as ‘A vast wetland habitat project, but it already has so many birds that it gives you hope for the future’.

True to the nomination, this news comes at the end of a bumper breeding birds season for the reserve's key species with booming bitterns, nesting marsh harriers and bearded tits all reaching new highs.

Bittern at Ouse Fen by Walter Haddow

As the reserve is still relatively unknown outside the local area, we’re both surprised and delighted to be nominated. Our partners Hanson and our team of staff and volunteers have worked wonders to create a home at Ouse Fen for a wealth of wildlife, including many threatened species.  

As Quarry Manager, Hilton Law, said: “It’s rewarding for all those involved in the partnership to see that our mineral restoration work is creating a natural resource that is already valued by visitors and the community and home to so much wonderful wildlife. Since the quarry has many years to run the reserve will in time offer even more.”

Ten nature reserves were nominated for the award in the August issue of Countryfile Magazine. The final decision on a winner now rests with the public. Voting closes today, 30 September, but it's not too late to support the reserve - just send an email to or visit

Alison Nimmo

RSPB Community Engagement Officer, Orkney