Why is no-one posting to RSPB Otmoor?

I've recently joined the RSPB Community and was disappointed to find that no-one has posted to the Otmoor forum recently. Oxfordshire birders seem to use Facebook as a vehicle for spreading information and displaying photos - some very good ones I might add.

I would like to remedy the situation with some posts from my outings to Otmoor over the last 12 months or so - maybe others will join in. I don't just go for the birdlife. Bugs, beetles, butterflies, dragonflies, damselflies and the like, all brighten up my day when I'm on an Otmoor wander. Hopefully a few photos will showcase RSPB Otmoor and bring it to its rightful prominence in the RSPB world.

Best wishes to all.


  • My reason is because I live in Scotland so it's not my local RSPB site.. People don't always click on the reserve they visited to post pictures from there. They usually just start a post in All things wildlife or somewhere like that. As for social media ...that's their choice...this is a lovely little community and no many posts from official RSPB site staff just ordinary folk like myself that has an interest in birds and wildlife.

    Welcome aboard 

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • Thanks for the heads-up Linda. As a newbie, I don't yet understand the protocols. Like you I enjoy all wildlife - it sounds as though I could post some photos from our trip to amazing trip to Orkney and Shetland for members enjoyment. Best wishes. Slight smile

  • There is no right and no wrong no mods either and not many members which is probably the reason most go to social media but we still all appreciate whatever gets posted and have a laugh at times. Honestly you can post what you wish, I have a thread on my garden and all it's visitors so it's entirely up to yourself what you post , we also have posts specifically for things like butterflies and moths , insects birds of prey and odds and sods that anyone can add to instead of starting new posts all the time..good luck and look forward to seeing more of your photos

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)