The lovely songs of various warblers are now ringing out all round Otmoor with more and more turning up, almost daily! This morning I was required to be on the reserve for 6am to do the first breeding bird survey of the year, this meant my alarm going off at 4.30am, not something I am used to or enjoy! Once down on the reserve though we were rewarded with a gorgeous sunrise and a fair few birds. Curlew, Lapwing, Redshank and Gadwall to name a few! AND it didn't stop there, the song coming from the hedgerows and above was incredible and apparently its only going to get better! There were the year round species, Blackbird, Wren, Robin, Skylark and Bullfinch as well as the migrant species, Chiffchaff, Blackcap, Willow Warbler, Sedge Warbler and then there was a rather special treat...the 1ST Lesser Whitethroat, and we didn't just hear it singing, it gave us great views, which is unusual!

Later on in the morning, when I was back down on the reserve, by the entrance to Greenaways, I thought hang on that sounds like a bit of an odd Sedge Warbler and I was right to think this, there were 2 Reed Warblers singing, the 1st of the year! The warblers then decided to give me one more treat for the day, Grasshopper Warblers in the Car Park Field! Such a strange song but oh so recognisable, with one close to the feeders and another over the back, I returned to the office with a large smile on my face!

So after all my complaining about the ludicrously early start, I am now happy to do it again as it was such a treat! (I may still complain though!!)