We were up nice and early again on Monday to carry out the Wetland Bird Survey for December. We each had a separate area of the reserve to cover and the results are shown below. Wigeon, golden plover and lapwing numbers were the highest recorded yet this winter and will hopefully continue to rise. The main mass of birds seem to keep changing their favourite area to feed on the reserve, but at the moment the NE corner of the Greenaways field seems to be their preferred haunt.

Little egret                 4 (2 Ashgrave, 2 Closes)

Grey Heron                 7 (2 Malt Pit, 2 Big Otmoor, 2 Greenaways, 1 Ashgrave)

Mute swan                 22 (5 Flood, 7 Malt Pit, 4 Big Otmoor, 4 Greenaways, 2 Ashgrave)

Greylag goose            94 (1 Ashgrave, 93 Closes)

Canada goose            263 (65 Big Otmoor, 197 Ashgrave, 1 Closes)

Wigeon                       1276 (199 Flood, 25 Malt Pit, 284 Big Otmoor, 20 Reedbed, 710 Greenaways, 38 Ashgrave)

Gadwall                      30 (28 Reedbed, 2 Ashgrave)

Teal                             785 (50 Malt Pit, 235 Big Otmoor, 139 Reedbed, 210 Greenaways, 138 Ashgrave, 13 Closes)

Mallard                       322 (15 Flood, 51 Malt Pit, 130 Big Otmoor, 15 Greenaways, 75 Ashgrave, 36 Closes)

Pintail                         7 (3 Greenaways, 4 Big Otmoor)

Shoveler                     107 (5 Flood, 24 Big Otmoor, 21 Reedbed, 7 Greenaways, 50 Ashgrave

Pochard                      2 (Reedbed)

Tufted duck                7 (5 Reedbed, 2 Ashgrave)

Water rail                   1 (Reedbed)

Moorhen                    10 (5 Ashgrave, 5 Closes)

Golden Plover            350 (Greenaways)

Lapwing                      838 (752 Greenaways, 86 Ashgrave)

Ruff                             2 (Greenaways)

Snipe                           15 (2 Reedbed, 13 Greenaways)