Spring migration is definately underway with duck and wader numbers much lower than two weeks ago. For comparision wigeon were 3613, teal 2831, pintail 123, golden plover 3306 and lapwing 2113.

It was nice to see 5 black-tailed godwits with one in breeding plumage. The female bearded tit was pinging away again this morning, obviously looking for a mate. Chiffchaffs are in evidence across the reserve I had 4 around the reedbed this morning, signing away. An oystercatcher put in an appearance again this morning, having been seen on saturday as well and 5 shelduck were out on greenaways and ashgrave.

Mute Swan 18
Greylag Goose 107
Canada Goose 100
Wigeon 257
Gadwall 18
Teal 781
Mallard 74
Pintail 8
Shoveler 74
Pochard 21
Tufted Duck 40
Little Grebe 6
Great crested grebe 2
Cormorant 2
Little Egret 6
Grey Heron 7
Moorhen 11
Coot 121
Golden Plover 250
Lapwing 196
Dunlin 44
Snipe 13
Redshank 19
Curlew 2
Black-tailed godwit 5
Black-headed gull 7
Shelduck 5
Oystercatcher 1
Common gull 1
Red kite 2
Buzzard 1