Water levels are still about 50cm below target levels for this time of year and because of this wader and wildfowl numbers are still lower then expected.

Greenaways: Mute swan 5, greylag goose 112, canada goose 18, wigeon 4, mallard 10, teal 10, lapwing 4, snipe 1

Reedbed: Mute swan 9, wigeon 29, gadwall 5, teal 106, mallard 18, shoveler 2, tufted duck 1, cormorant 3, lesser black-backed gull

Big Otmoor: Mute swan 4, Canada goose 21, wigeon 210, teal 5, mallard 21, grey heron 1, teal 5

Ashgrave: Teal 3, mallard 6, lapwing 5, snipe 3

Sadly no sign of the white-fronted goose, but still good numbers of redwings and fieldfares feeding along the hedgerows and a great spotted woodpecker on the bird feeders.