The calendar marks today as the first official day of spring as the blossom is bursting open and insects awaken from their winter slumber. Otmoor has been witnessing signs for some weeks now and the birds are as busy as ever.

The lapwings continue to display as they fly high and tumble towards the ground. The first nests should now be visible as they take up their positions in the fields. Curlew can be heard with their melancholy whistle ‘cour-lii’ passing above.

The first of the migrating warblers, the Chiffchaff has also now arrived. This early visitor can be mistaken for a great tit but listen out for the characteristic ‘chiff-chaff’ and the very different appearance.

Wheatears are also around as they make a pit stop on their passage to upland areas. Two have been seen in Greenaways and Flood field. They are easy to spot with their black and white tails and bold eye stripe. You are most likely to see them hopping around on the ground as they feed on mainly insects.

This is a really exciting time for us at Otmoor as we enjoy welcoming back summer visitors and passing migrants that just keep coming!