Excitement on Otmoor this week as three Common Cranes dropped onto the main reserve Sunday evening before moving over to the Malt Pit field and stayed for Monday morning. The Cranes are now seeming to stop and feed for a few days on their journey North East most years, but where are they going to is the question? We are trying to encourage them to breed here by building them piles of cut reed each year as a nest, they just don't seem to impressed! Note to staff...try harder!!

Other birds of interest is the returning of Chiffchaff's with them being heard all around the reserve. The first Blackcaps are back and signing from the Car Park field, what will be next? The waders are all starting to hold territories and the first Lapwing nest was found on the 25th March with a further five found the next day, positive signs as all of these are inside the predator fence and are now being monitored.

Non-Avian news is that the amphibians are all rather busy with frog spawn in almost every ditch! The hares are living up to their 'Mad March Hare' reputation with boxing galore, everywhere you look there is a hare! Butterflies are starting to appear now with all of this warm weather, the lovely colours are all extremely bright contrasting brilliantly with the blackthorn blossom. Summer here we come!