On my walk round the predator fence this morning I came across a beautiful male Redstart. It was moving along the hedgeline occasionally hopping down to the ground to feed, I managed to follow it for quite a way. There was another bird in the hedge with it, but I couldn't tell what it was, possibly a female? Around the same area there were a few Wheatear present. There seems to be quite a few around at the moment across the majority of the reserve, in front of the hide being a good place to spot them in the grass. There are also 4 Little Ringed Plover, numerous Redshank and Lapwing, a Heron and about 10 Teal in front of the hide. The warblers are slowly returning, with Willow Warbler singing in the Car Park field, Chiffchaff all over the reserve, Blackcaps in the Car Park field and along the Roman Road and Sedge Warblers were heard at the weekend. What will be next??

In terms of the non-avians, the hares are still boxing like mad, I think there were about 10 all chasing each other on Big Otmoor! There is a lot of Frog Spawn about so mind your step in the next few months for all the little froglets moving between ditches! There is now a lovely array of butterflies around on those sunnier days, including Orange Tip, Small White, Peacock and Brimstone.