The Tuesday volunteers were out this week clearing a section of bramble and thorn to open up a new view of the Ashgrave field. This section is halfway along the bridleway between the Wetlands Watch hide and the bridge at the Noke end. It provides a good watch point for one of the areas of the field that holds water all year round, an area that is a good for seeing a range of wildfowl during the winter and which was one of the regular haunts for garganey earlier this year.

In terms of recent sightings, the elusive otter was seen on 19th September, whilst a greenshank, a green sandpiper, teal, wigeon and up to 120 lapwing are being seen in the reedbed. A merlin was recently seen flying along the Roman Road, 14 yellow wagtails were seen on 19th September near Lower Farm at the Noke end of the reserve and whinchat and wheatears are still present on the Greenaways field.