Many of you will already have seen the new tern raft floating in the northern phase of the reedbed. Although it might be asking for too much to have expected terns to nest on the raft during this first year, they have been resting on it and will hopefully breed on the reserve next year.

The raft was created in record time with the assistance of a couple of volunteers and the whole staff team. After 2 days of construction, a few design changes, lots of laughter, some swimming in the reedbed and a 14hr work day, the raft was pushed out to the edge of the reedbed and covered in gravel to provide a tempting nesting habitat for common terns. The raft was then paddled out into the open water area and anchored to contrete blocks that we'd previously sunk. Clay pipes were put on the raft to provide shelter for any chicks and a small electric fence added to disuade any predators from clambering onto the raft.

Hopefully the raft will act as a further wildlife spectacle on the reserve. Let us know if you see any terns making use of it.