According to the Oxon Bird Log ( 153 species of bird were seen on Otmoor during 2011, of these I was lucky enough to see 119, not bad at all for an inland site. Highlights included the flock of white-fronted geese early last year feeding on Big Otmoor, the small party of Bewick swans that stayed for one night on Ashgrave, the mandarin I saw lurking  under a tree beside the River Ray, a female marsh harrier over the reed bed and merlin speeding across Greenaways. Seeing 18 hobbies hawking for insects over the reedbed was amazing and the breeding season with lapwing, little ringed plover and redshank calling, snipe drumming, 10 species of warblers singing and turtle doves cooing was just incredible. Cuckoos seemed to everywhere during the summer months and the spoonbill was a nice addition to my list. I had a good number of 'lifers' on the reserve this year, birds I had never seen any where ever before; little owl, common crane, garganey and perhaps best of all the great grey shrike. My Otmoor birding year was brought to a fine end with the arrival of the short-eared owls and hen harriers. Lets hope 2012 is just as exciting...