Anyone visiting Otmoor at the moment should be prepared for very cold, biting winds. There isn’t much shelter on the reserve and so the wind can cuts right across the wetland fields. Despite the chilly weather however, there are some signs of spring. The lapwings have started nesting and some of the bird species that have wisely spent their winter in the warm climes of Africa are starting to reappear on Otmoor. Wheatear’s have been seen hopping around on the fields at the Noke end of the reserve and a very dapper looking male garganey was found outside the Wetlands Watch hide on Wednesday (photo below taken by Terry Sherlock). Garganey are the only ducks that visit the UK only during the summer, spending the rest of the year in West Africa. They are small and very secretive, tending to hide in vegetation, if you are lucky though you can sometimes catch a glimpse of them on Otmoor, with the males’ bright white eyebrow being particularly distinctive.