Staff from Southern Electric Power Distribution braved the cold icy conditions yesterday to help save birds on Otmoor nature reserve.

Bright tags are being installed on power lines to make them more visible and prevent bird fatalities.At times of poor visibility, geese and swans have been flying into the overhead power line by a pond, close to Noke, causing injury and even death.

Some birds, primarily swans and geese are killed when they fly into the lines. Where there is a recognised flight path, and thus a danger, tags, placed on these lines, make them more visible and greatly reduce the numbers of these fatal collisions.

Power company Southern Electric Power Distribution (SEPD) has generously agreed to put tags on the lines so birds can navigate safely around the lines.

We are thrilled to be working together with Southern Electric Power Distribution – it has been terribly sad to witness such unnecessary deaths and we hope this initiative will put an end to more fatal collisions.

David Ashbolt from SSE’s Oxford depot said: “We are pleased to be able to support the RSPB and implement a simple initiative that will help birds avoid the lines and tackle the problem. It will be a happy day to see no fatalities or lines down”


The RSPB is grateful for the support of SSE and the steps they are taking for nature: