Orkney’s only pair of nesting white-tailed eagles have again taken up residence above the Dwarfie Stone and have been drawing the crowds over Easter, with more than 500 people calling past the Dwarfie Stone car park for their chance to spot the birds already! 

The resident pair were seen on the island through the winter and although they put in a lot of effort to rebuild last year’s nest, they suddenly decided it was time for a change and have built a new nest on the same cliff. 


Good news

Late last week, we were delighted to spot that the pair had successfully hatched a chick.  The new nest location lets us see better what the birds are doing and most visitors have been enjoying views of the tiny chick being carefully fed by its parents.  The adults have been very busy bringing in food, so if it is a single chick this year (as it appears) it should grow quickly with all the attention.


Bakko and Craggie (last year's chicks)

After the excitement of the first white-tailed eagle chicks to hatch in Orkney for 145 years last year, we are of course hoping the tiny chick will go from strength to strength. In the meantime, it has been wonderful to hear news of last year’s wing-tagged chicks (named Bakko and Craggie by North Walls School) over the Easter holidays.  A blue tagged bird suspected to be Bakko was spotted in Evie and Craggie was seen by one of the Rangers in Handa (Sutherland).

Sandy Morrison snapped this picture believed to be of Bakko flying over Evie

The Handa Rangers kindly sent this photo of Craggie

It is great to know that both youngsters have made it through their first winter and we hope to hear more of their travels in future months.

Bakko and Craggie at the nest last summer 

Eaglewatch 2019

One of the Eaglewatch team of staff and volunteers will be at the Dwarfie Stone car park every day between 11am and 4pm and happy to help folk spot the eagles, so we’d be delighted to see you there. 

One young visitor seeing how her 'wingspan' compares to a white-tailed eagle

A special event has been planned as part of the Orkney Nature Festival at Eaglewatch this year.  The boys and girls of North Walls School will be sharing their knowledge of local wildlife and habitats with Eaglewatch visitors on Thursday 16 May between 1pm and 3pm.  I’m there will be plenty of visitors to share their enthusiasm on the day and hope to see many of you there.

Eaglewatch at the Dwarfie Stone car park

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