Hi Everybody

I heard very good reports from those Orkney Local Group members and friends who were on the Gloup trips last weekend in Deerness. Every seat was spoken for, meaning 21 people were able to enjoy this unique experience with local boat operator Sidney Foubister.

The Verona entering the cave at the Deerness Brough. (Photo Pauline Wilson

The main event, of course, is going into the Gloup and, with the aid of lamps provided by Sidney, see the fantastic rock formations. A venture into the cave at the Brough is also very interesting, especially if there happens to be a seal or two in occupancy at the same time - as there was on at least one of these 3 trips. Continuing up the coast, taking in the seabird colonies on the way - bad news for kittiwakes this year with very few nests. Sidney always manages to find puffins and several were on the cliffs this year as well as guillemots and razorbills; black guillemots were in the sea. The boat rounded Mull Head within sight of the Covenanters Memorial before heading back and taking a look at the seal colony at Skaill.

Sidney Foubister sets off on the trip to the Gloup and Brough Caves on 8th June (Photo Pauline Wilson

I have had several comments from our members about the trips. I asked committee member Kathie Brown to tell me of anything worth reporting and she writes:

Just briefly, there were hardly any kittiwakes on the cliffs. I think Sidney said 20ish in one spot and then another 20 or so around the headland. We saw quite a few puffins, two bonxies with something dead in the water (probably a guillimot), quite a few razorbills and lots and lots of guillimots! Plenty of tysties on the water but not very many on the cliffs, except for one that dived off a rock in the Gloup right next to the boat and splashed me! There were about 11 seals in the water watching us towards the end.

Bernie Bell writes:

Hello Pauline

This is just to say a big 'Thank You' for organizing the
trip into the Gloup. You asked did we enjoy it? It was, simply, something else!
It was like going into another world. It was so good, in so many ways. What a
way, to spend a Saturday morning! All these little hidden parts of Orkney,
still to be discovered. It'll take some time, to actually process all our
impressions, from the morning. It was just brilliant, and thanks to yourself
and Sidney Foubister for giving us an exceptionally enjoyable, wonder-full

Sheila Dick sent the following message:

Hi Pauline
It was a super day at Auskerry as was today's trip into the Group and beyond. Thank you for organising us. Keep us posted for any other events. Sheila.