Well, that was short-lived. The large starling roost I reorted before Christmas sadly dispersed early in the New Year, with only a few hundred birds roosting at North Warren since. We don't knwo where they've moved to as we haven't located another roost on the Suffolk coast.

North Warren is looking great for geese, with a few tundra bean and pink-footed geese among the large flocks of white-fronted, greylag, Canada and barnacle geese. There are also four red-breasted geese - three regular feral birds and a fourth, a young bird of unknown origin.

As usual, there are huge flocks of ducks on the marshes too, with great views from the new viewin gplatform along the old railway line.

Why not join North Warren's warden, Dave Thurlow, for a winter wildfowl walk to find out a  bit more about the reserve and its wildlife. There are two walks scheduled this winter: Saturday 26 January and Saturday 23 February. Both start at 9.30 am, from the main pay and display car park on Thorpe Road, Aldeburgh (near the scallop sculpture). For more details, and to pay for your walk (£5 per person), please call the Minsmere visitor centre on 01728 648281.

White-fronted goose by Jon Evans