Apologies for the lateness of the blog this week, illness got in the way!  

This afternoon we took the dog for a walk to the woodland end of the reserve it was a beautiful day and Mr Blue Sky was evident. Looking at it through the ever-changing leaves had a magical quality, yellowy-orange against the stunning sky. The birds were enjoying it as well, Blue tits called to each other. Robins called their winter trills alongside Wrens still singing their hearts out fooled by the unseasonal warmth and light, maybe thinking it was Spring.

 Plenty of Corvids were overhead and Woodpigeons, this is a spot where I have often seen and heard raptors, but only the distant mew of a Common Buzzard was on the airwaves today!

Both commoner Woodpeckers yaffled and chipped from on high. A small dark butterfly was on the wing telegraph pole height, small and dark I could only speculate its' species! So by size, timing and habitat I guess Holly or Common Blue.   

Dragonflies were still around even if a little aged. This is a female Common Darter basking in the sunshine, they can be found even in November!! Amazing.


Every season has its nuances, stark bare branches, succulent budding buds, full blooming foliage and shrivelling dwindling leaves.    

Birds coming and going, the changing year is a wonder to perceive.    

Here are some more images from this afternoon.


The North Kent Marshes are a very special area and worth preserving at all cost.