This was the second time in the last couple of years or so that RSPB Medway Local Group have hosted and organised a Fun Day at Northward Hiil Reserve for local children and their families.

It has to be said the first event, in the summer of 2016 was literally a wash-out as it tipped it down almost all day.

This year after the unprecedented 50 day plus drought, it was looking good for a non-repeat of the '2016' deluge.

However, by Sunday the forecast had massively changed from wall to wall sun to 50% rain all morning!!!

So on Monday morning spirits were a little, understandably dampened.

As Monty Python says, 'Always look on the bright side of life' and after the predicted rain fell, at 11am the sun came out and all was right again.

In the event we are pleased to say we had about 100 parents and their children attend over the day

So the Guided and Self-Guided Walks were well attended. The Bee Conservation Trust ladies Lauren and Kate were brilliant with their interaction with families, demonstrating a huge knowledge of bees and their environs.

The Kiddy-craft stalls went down a storm with Dragon-fly etc making with Carol Felix and her family, face-painting all run variously by Lesley and her lovely Grandaughter, plus Carol C and Doreen Secker.

Another popular table was the pond-dipping where children could see the minute wonders usually hidden from view at the bottom of a watery environment.

The Bird ringing demo, as ever proved popular with parents and children alike, and many got the unique experience of holding a 'rung bird and releasing it back to the wild. A huge experience for a youngster and a chance to connect with nature, so well done Roger and John. 

The three Guided Walks at 12, 1 and 2 were well attended by families and had the added bonus of having either Lauren or Kate of B C T to show us bees that look like just bees are often very different but similar looking species.

For the time of year not many birds were evident so the guides had to rely on insects and plants to entertain the folks. 

Butterflies, Bees and Hoverflies can always be relied to demonstrate the wonders of the natural world around us and not only on Nature Reserves, but even on a roadside verge or our own back-yards and gardens, so here are a few photos to show the diversity we saw last Monday.

Due to data protection we are not permitted to show images of children wirthout their parents permission, so as insects are not that fussed and it would be difficult to get written consent, I thought we would just use the following.


Our thanks to all the Northward Hill Staff who helped on the day, all members of the RSPB Medway Local Group Public Events Committee who organised the day not for getting the parents and kids who made the event a success. My thanks must also go to Eliza Saunders for these images.

The North Kent Marshes are a very special area and worth preserving at all cost.

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