It was so lovely to see a handful of Purple Emperor Butterflies at RSPB Northward Hill over the weekend

interspersed with one or two Purple Hairstreaks on the same Willow Tree. Other species flitted and chased

each other, often quite high up. The difference in size between the Purple Emperor and the Red Admiral as

they fought over territory was quite obvious, although the stunning males never came down to show off

their stunning colours with the sun behind them in the air the purple peeped through occasionally. There

were Tortoiseshells and Commas in the evening sun.


The Swallows and Swifts were all around with dozens of the former, adults and their offspring on the wires

over the office.


A not so rare sound was a Common Buzzard, mewing overhead in the blueness above.

On Sunday morning (03/07) I heard a Cuckoo. Will it be the last time I hear one until next Spring?

The North Kent Marshes are a very special area and worth preserving at all cost.