Whilst the weather has been disappointing of late and looks to start improving gradually over the next few days finally, quite a few insects have braved the cooler temperatures to hunt, feed and mate. Red Ants are farming the Aphids, Robber Flies are flitting through the leaves looking for insect prey.

In the Willow Wood, Yellow-barred Long-horned Moths danced around females aiming to impress them. With impossibly long and thin antennae they have a beautiful yellowy golden colouring to their wings. 

The tiny emerald jewel that is the Swollen-thighed Oil Beetle or False Oil beetle fed on the Buttercups as they always are all through the sunnier months.

A couple of Damsels were around like the Blue-tailed Damselfly and the beautiful Scorpion Fly. As the weather improves more insects, Bees and Butterflies will emerge.

The North Kent Marshes are a very special area and worth preserving at all cost.