This weekend I was Duty Volunteer Warden on the two North Kent Marsh Reserves ie RSPBs Northward Hill and Cliffe Pools.

Plenty of Butterflies were still showing well in this traditional period when birds are nesting etc. These beautiful insects are often a welcome interlude between periods of frenzied pairing, mating and nesting avian activity.

On both reserves Peacocks, Tortoiseshells, Meadow Browns, Ringlets, Small Heath and Skippers were enjoying the sunshine.

Back at the Bromhey Farm Office about fifty Barn Swallows (mainly juveniles) were on the overhead wires. About another fifty were in the air above, no doubt after the flying ants.

As I drove up to the main gate a baby Badger ran across my path ahead, proving my point, there’s always something new to see on these two fantastic reserves.

The North Kent Marshes are a very special area and worth preserving at all cost.