As above, there is always something exciting to see at RSPB Northward Hill. Despite the weather not being too good there were quite a few butterflies around this weekend, Orange Tip, Brimstone, Peacock, Red Admiral, Small White and Speckled Wood.

Still a lot of Whitethroat singing and displaying from the brambles, Chiff Chaff and Blackcap in the emerging Willows, Cettis' Warbler belting out their unmistakable song alongside the Nightingales.

The highlight for me yesterday was a pair of Ruby Tiger Moths down by the electric fence gate that dived into a tussock of grass at my feet, giving me only a glimpse of their bright red body and wings. Unfortunately too quick for me to get a photo, so I've had to pinch one.

The North Kent Marshes are a very special area and worth preserving at all cost.