• Recent sightings - June roundup

    June is a transitional month in the life of the reserve.  After all the spring activity as birds establish territories, find mates and build nests, after the new growth of the reeds, June calms down.  The reedbeds become quieter as the birds shift their effort to feeding young and our migrants start to put on weight for their next journey.  We still have a huge variety of species, 73 bird species in June, but most are a…

  • Recent sightings 16.05.22 – It’s GO GO GO here at Newport

    Image credit: Terry Winter

    What a busy two weeks it has been here at the wetlands! The breeding season is in full swing with many species either wandering round with a trail of fluff or flying over the lagoons hoping to catch a fish. From mallard ducklings to little grebes to blackcap chicks and baby blue tits keeping our kiosk volunteers happy there is plenty of new life to go around.

    Image credit: Kirsty Lindsay


  • Yogi Duck and me

    Yogi Duck and the Little Chick picturebook written and illustrated by ©IsabelBenavides

    This month, on 30 May 2022, RSPB Newport Wetlands Reserve will be delivering a brand new, bespoke storytelling session for families, ‘Yogi Duck and the Little Chick.’ In this blog, aspiring author illustrator, Isabel Benavides, explains how the idea for a story about a duck who does yoga came into being.


    Isabel Benavides…

  • Recent Sightings 2.5.22 - bumblebees, booming and babies

    The past week or two have really been the fulfilment of Spring.  The air has been full of song from our year-round birds and from our newly arrived migrants.  We’ve been listening to the earlier migrants for a few weeks, Blackcaps and Chiffchaffs, for example, and now they been joined by Reed and Sedge warblers, Common and Lesser Whitethroats and, much to our relief by at least one male Cuckoo. Another species that has…

  • Recent sightings 25.4.22 A cuckoo is better late than never

    After a long waiting game, the iconic sound of the cuckoo circled the reserve this week. A quiet Thursday morning was soon flipped on its head as visitors descended off the reserve with beaming smiles, eager to share the good news. It has been heard everyday since with a couple of sightings too! A lovely walking group touring the country were treated to a double sighting and another calling in the distance on Sunday.…

  • Noisy reeds and insect galore – Recent sightings 11.04.22-24.04.22

    Easter well and truly lived up to its reputation of being a busy time of year and we aren’t just talking about the visitors. Our Easter trail and children’s activities were a real success and it was lovely to see families getting out and exploring nature. We have had some much-needed relief in the wet, cold and windy weather allowing the migrant birds, butterflies and wildflowers to really come into their element.…

  • Meet our new Learning Officer Emma

    Sunday afternoons as a child often involved sitting by my Grandad’s pond, a slice of Victoria sponge in one hand and a bewildered frog in the other. There was nothing I liked more than exploring the delights lurking within the folds in the pond lining, often bypassing my Grandmother’s welcoming embrace in anticipation of what I might find. 

    If someone were to tell me 5 years ago, that pond dipping would become…

  • Recent sightings 21.3.2022-1.4.2022 Sunshine, Snow and Snakes!

    Image Credit: Andrew Quittelier

    As we welcome in April, some very exciting changes have happened in our visitor centre. We have a calm and relaxing new style to our café to recover and ponder your days adventures in. The shop has relocated and brings a burst of colour to the centre. Our staff and volunteers have been working so hard these past two weeks to bring you a new and exciting look to the centre. We really hope…

  • Look out spring is about!

    Let’s talk about Springtime and Newport Wetlands Reserve.

    Formally, Spring starts on 1 March each year and lasts for three months.  The natural world works to its own timings and our plants and animals respond to day length and temperature changes.  For the past few weeks we’ve been noticing this as the reserve comes out of the quiet of winter.

    Some of the changes we see around the reserve are quite gradual…

  • Come and volunteer with us!

    Spring seems to be springing into action recently. After what feels like months of grey days the sun has finally graced us with its presence. Recently we had the “Big Garden Birdwatch” which was a big success for the reserve, with bird ringing, guided walks and feeder making all taking place. Changes have also taken place in the visitor centre too. Welsh Government guidelines have been relaxed meaning there is now more…

  • Recent Sightings 7-2-2022 Let the fare see the field

    On Sunday morning, despite the poor weather, one of our volunteers braved the natural elements and was rewarded with a lapwing flyover. We sometimes see lapwing down on the foreshore, but majority of sightings are a large group flying over the reserve. They are relatively easy to identify when flying due to the shape of their wings.


     Image credit: Jeremy White

    During our Saturday morning guided walk we were treated to…

  • Greenfinch Galore - Recent sightings 31.01.2022

    After the busy Big Garden Birdwatch weekend, Last week was a good time to enjoy a quieter week on the reserve. It was a week of mixed weather, sunshine and blue skies one way you look and dark, stormy looking clouds the other. That is always a spectacle to see when on the higher ground of the reserve. The opposing skies with a rainbow in the middle will never fail to make you stop and take a moment.

    Image credit: Anthony…

  • Starlings 2021!

    What a year 2021 was for us! Reopening from a lockdown to kickstarting events again, 2021 was certainly a year.  

    After opening back up in the Spring and were able to welcome back volunteers as well as the public, meaning the reserve started to feel like its normal self once more. 
    During the summer we finally brought back events such as the classic family favourite: Pond dipping. We also did sweep netting along with the…

  • Misty Mornings and wonderful wildlife – January sightings 24-01-2022

    January has certainly not been a quiet start to the new year for the team here at Newport wetlands. With the weather up and down it’s been a tough month for our feathered friends. Yet the sun has been shining this past week and we couldn’t be happier about it.

    The past few weeks we have been lucky to see the otter family grow and play, yet mum keeps the two young pups at a cautious distance. If you are up…

  • Big Garden Bird Watch 2022 at Newport Wetlands

    Here at RSPB Newport Wetlands we will be running some very exciting events over Big Garden Birdwatch weekend and beyond! BGBW is a vital date in our calendars and with an ever-increasing pressure to look after those species who visit our gardens, why not take an hour out of your busy lives to relax and do a good thing for nature and take part in a citizen science project!

    Sign up for you pack here: Big Garden Birdwatch…

  • An Otterly Fabulous Sighting

    The weather has taken a turn for the cooler, which is resulting in the woolly hats making an appearance! That hasn’t stopped the wildlife though, with it being quite a busy week for sightings.

    Otters - Liv Davies

    The otters have been making quite the appearance recently spotted in many of the lagoons and providing a bit of a show for the visitors. For our volunteer Liv her lucky mushroom hat has worked again as…

  • Here come the starlings

    This week at the wetlands we have seen a fantastic array of birds, mammals and even the odd insect still flying about in the autumn sunshine. Red admiral is one of the butterflies that will continue flying into October or November and can be seen nectaring on garden buddleias, flowering Ivy and on rotting fruit. There is an indication that numbers have increased in recent years and that overwintering has occurred in the…

  • Dathlwch eich robin goch mewnol ar ein taith antur y Nadolig yma!

    Rydyn ni'n falch iawn o fod yn bartner gyda Netflix ac Aardman ar Robin Robin, sy’n stori gerddorol stop-symud newydd ar gyfer y Nadolig ac sy’n adrodd sut mae robin goch ifanc yn ceisio darganfod ei le yn y byd. Mae’n ymddangos am y tro cyntaf ar Netflix ar Tachwedd 24 – felly rhowch y dyddiad yn eich dyddiadur! 

    I ddathlu, rydyn ni’n eich gwahodd i ymuno â theithiau antur unigryw ar thema Robin Robin yma yn Gwlyptir Casnewydd y Nadolig hwn. 

    Mae dros 30…

  • Celebrate your inner Robin on our adventure trail this Christmas

    We’re delighted to be partnering with Netflix and Aardman on Robin Robin, a half-hour, stop-motion, festive story for the whole family, about a young robin trying to fit in. It’s debuting on Netflix on 24 November – get the date in your diary! 

    To celebrate, we’re inviting you to join exclusive Robin Robin-themed adventure trails right here at Newport Wetlands this Christmas season. 

    Over 30 RSPB nature reserves…

  • Halloween, half term and hail

    The week when the kids were off school, we saw some wild and windy weather. The beginning of the week started off with lovely weather and half term excitement, but by the end of the week we were battening down the hatches and hoping the birds weren’t blown too far away.

    Our Halloween trail was in full swing, bringing spooky glee to the site with tricky riddles and prizes at the end, who could resist. Throughout…

  • The start of starlings

    Autumn is certainly bringing very changeable weather to the wetlands at the moment with lots of wind, rain and beautiful sunshine often all within the same five minutes! The hedges have had their annual trim to allow new growth next year and half term is well underway.

    Curlew have been on the mudflats in great numbers with more than 100 reported on Friday 22nd, with their distinctive calls they are always a pleasure to…

  • Bittern and birdfeeder bonanza

    There’s a chill in the air down here at Newport, signalling Autumn is well and truly here. The reserve is gradually changing colour, and the team are gearing up for the October half term holidays which start next week.

    In terms of sightings, recordings are still taking place and you’ll be excited to read that the Bittern has made a reappearance!! On Tuesday (12th) our new volunteer Liv sighted not one but…

  • A summer to remember

    We are back and we aim to get our weekly sightings blog back to your screens in no time! We hope you have missed reading all the Wetland drama as much as we have missed writing about it. With the summer now behind us we are welcoming in the autumn awesomeness! But before we do let’s have a big round up of all the summer fun we have enjoyed with the visitors (both human and wildlife) here at Newport Wetlands.


  • Newbies on the block

    Recent sightings blog 28th June to 4th July

    This week has seen a summer boom in our sightings. The team at Newport Wetlands and our visitors have seen more birds, insects, mammals and invertebrates than we could all count on our hands put together! We had a first for the year which was exciting, a grass snake made an appearance more than a couple of times. It was basking in the sunshine making the most of it before the…

  • Lagoon life at the Wetlands

    Do you ever wonder what creatures live in our rivers, lakes and ponds? Well, let us give you an idea of what life underwater is like for an array of different species that call it home. At Newport Wetlands we have many large freshwater lagoons which are home to a lot more than just the birds you see swimming on the surface.

    Species you may find include Three-spined stickleback, Phantom midge larva (glass worm), Bloodworm…