Recent sightings from 05 to 11 November 2018
The week has been a windy and wet one, but not really a very cold one. However, the flocks of Fieldfares and Redwings are clear signs that winter is indeed on its way. Wintering wildfowl such as Wigeon, Gadwall, Teal and Shoveler have also been around and the mudflats held a good number of Curlews, Dunlins and Shelducks. The Starling murmurations kept on attracting raptors such as Marsh Harriers, Peregrines and Sparrowhawks and the Merlin could once again be spotted at Goldcliff lagoons. Goldcliff was a good place for rare visitors this week. The week started off with a Grey Plover and an Avocet on Monday and Tuesday before Friday brought two Barnacle geese and Saturday a Pallid swift. Water pipits were also still present at Goldcliff on a regular basis.
Avocet, Barnacle goose, Bittern, Blackbird, Black-headed gull, Black-tailed godwit, Blue tit, Brambling, Bullfinch, Canada goose, Carrion crow, Cetti's warbler, Coot, Cormorant, Curlew, Dunlin, Dunnock, Fieldfare, Gadwall, Goldfinch, Great spotted woodpecker, Great tit, Green sandpiper, Green woodpecker, Greenfinch, Greenshank, Grey heron, Grey plover, Grey wagtail, House sparrow, Jay, Kestrel, Kingfisher, Lapwing, Lesser black-backed gull, Linnet, Little egret, Little grebe, Long-tailed tit, Magpie, Mallard, Marsh harrier, Meadow pipit, Merlin, Moorhen, Mute swan, Oystercatcher, Pallid swift, Peregrine, Pheasant, Pochard, Raven, Redwing, Shelduck, Shoveler, Skylark, Snipe, Song thrush, Sparrowhawk, Starling, Stonechat, Teal, Tufted duck, Water pipit, Water rail, Wigeon, Wood pigeon and Wren.
Please note that we take our recent sightings list from the visitor sightings board that anyone can contribute to. This is great as everyone can get involved, but obviously can lead to potential errors too as they aren’t always verified! We try to keep this list as accurate as possible but if you see something unusual feel free to comment here!
Photo credit: Redwing by Steve Round (