Recent sightings

Highlights from Januaries WeBS: Bewick's swan 1362, whooper swan 551, wigeon 20,460, pintail 1237, Teal 3916 and black-tailed godwit 1340. There were a couple of ringtail hen harriers then and one or possibly two still present, going to roost 1/2 mile west of Eldernell with 4+ march harriers. On the 3rd Feb there were two peregrines sitting out on the Eldernell grassland, and buzzards are everywhere. Pair of cranes still present but surprisingly difficult to find. Flooded fields of March Farmers are best area for waterfowl.

  • Hi-  was out along the bund from Eldernell CP on Jan 2nd-  7 spp of raptor.  Marsh and Hen Harrier, Red Kite, Peregrine, Common Buzzard, Kestrel, Sparrowhawk . Also 6 Common cranes ( 2 juvs).  A distinct lack of duck though.


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