The mass migration has begun, and Mull of Galloway is the place to see it. Especially this week, as our residential volunteer, James, is a superb birder. Yesterday he found spotted flycatchers and goldcrests hiding in the willow scrub, and tree pipits flying over. So now is your best chance of seeing some of these migrants as they take a break on their journeys. Come along and James will help you to identify them. It's a great time of year to spot cetaceans as well, with harbour porpoises and Risso's dolphin's being seen recently. There was also a group of about 200 manx shearwaters in the bay this week, easily visible from the visitor centre through our telescopes.

It's blowing a gale outside today, and with various hurricane tails forecast to hit the west coast of Scotland, it is possible that some wierd and wonderful birds might be dropping in to the Mull over the next few days.