
The Mull of Galloway is like a boxing ring at the minute as our Rock and Meadow Pipits fight in furious combat over their territory. These feisty little fellows will defend their nesting site with great vigor in order to impress the ladies. They can be seen flying over the heath in vicious battles before one wisely retreats and a winner is crowned.

Rock Pipit prepared to defend its territory

Once a suitable nesting site has been determined, the pair will then construct a round nest made from grasses collected from around the reserve. Typically they will lay 3-4 eggs so we will be keeping our eyes peeled for our first eggs and will keep you updated on their progress. 


Meadow Pipit gathering nesting material

With all this fighting and gathering of nesting material, these little birds are using up a lot of energy.  As spring gets underway though the reserve is crawling with caterpillars so there is plenty of food to keep them from going hungry. Just as well as one of our Rock Pipits is using the foghorn stairs as part of his training….