A peregrine falcon stopped by for brunch in front of one of our cameras this morning. Here are some pics of it feasting on a 3 week old kittiwake chick.

What an incredible bird.

There have been quite a lot of kittiwake chicks this year - and they are just starting to fledge. Unfortunately, we had hardly any guillemot and razorbill chicks this year - probably because of low numbers of sandeels at the start of the season. So our chick-less guillemots, razorbills and puffins have already departed for the open seas.

There are a couple of fluffy fulmar chicks around, but it seems to have been another bad breeding year for them too. Fulmar numbers are dropping dramatically at the Mull, I'm not quite sure why.

The heathland is buzzing with invertebrates of all varieties at the moment, from butterflies to beetles, to caterpillars, moths and snails. The bell heather is blooming, and the ling (common heather) is just coming into flower.