We now have 14 puffins at the Mull! They were seen yesterday from Lagvag point, flying to and from the cliffs. But of course I STILL haven't seen them...

Here's a general knowledge titbit for you: the latin name for puffin is actually Fratercula arctica, which means arctic monk (or friar or priest or something) - I assume because of their fetching black capes. Manx Shearwaters on the other hand are called Puffinus puffinus - just to be confusing (Thanks volunteer Rob for that).

Speaking of Manx Shearwaters, an astounding 300 or so were spotted from Drummore on Tuesday 'shearing' past from the Isle of Man! They sometimes get blown into the bay on their way south on migration. It does seem strangely early for this however, which makes me wonder if they've had a bad breeding season, and have given up and headed off early. They go all the way  to South America, so have a 10,000 km flight ahead of them.

I've only ever seen a Manx Shearwater once, and that was from the Mull, looking out to sea - but it's a bird I would absolutely LOVE to see in it's colony. A trip to the Isle of Man at night might be in order...

That's all for now,
