I saw my first ever Risso's Dolphin out in the tidal race today - a large, hooked fin, then three vertical leaps, one after the other, each one almost clearing the sea. It was a big beast compared to the harbour porpoises swimming along with it.

The horizon's have been really clear lately, with the shape of the Cumbrian fells clearly outlined beyond the Solway in the afternoon. There's been a bit of rain, but it's blowing over quickly, and is followed by more blue sky, then more clouds etc..

The bells on the heather are turning yellowish brown (although there is still a lot of purple), and along with the yellow grass and fluffy thistle seedheads, there is a distinct late-summer look to the Mull. A group of juvenile goldfinches are making the most of the thistle puffs, and there seems to be loads of swallows around - munching up any unwelcome visitors (the midgies that is). Peregrines have been seen regularly too - one was spotted catching a rock dove in mid air yesterday.